Sunday, February 15, 2015

Blog Post #2

Summary: This woman is describing and talking about her opinion on why some fathers do not take responsibility for their children and if they aren't prepared to take care of another human being they should not have sex. It takes more than one person to make a child and it isn't fair for one parent to put all of the responsibility of the child on the other parent. Most people don't think of the consequences that could come from having sex because they are just in the moment not thinking properly, but once the woman becomes pregnant some men just up and leave the woman to deal with it. Although there are some resources a woman could use for financial help it sometimes just isn't enough, so it is believed when a man leaves a woman with a child he should have to pay child support.

Response: In my opinion all father's should have to take care of the children they make one way or another, whether its giving money or actually taking care of the child. It isn't fair that once all the fun and games are over with and now there is a bigger picture in front of them they just up and leave because they are scared or just aren't man enough to take care of the child because they aren't ready. Growing up without a father didn't make as huge as an impact on me as it does on other people because I was lucky enough to have other father figures in my life, but some people really miss out on that and it isn't fair because it isn't their fault.

Monday, February 2, 2015

First Blog Post

Appreciating the Moment

Summary: After 20 years of living with his father, his son decided it was time to move away and go on his own journey in life. Although, it wasn't the easiest thing in the world to do both the son and father knew this day would come. They began packing his car early and worked into the afternoon when the Sunday baseball game came on and they're  home team was playing, his son wanted to watch the rest of the game with his dad before he left because he wanted to spend  as much time as he could with him before he had to leave. While watching the game the moment became less sad because they were doing something they had always done together, the game was an exciting one and made the day neither of them thought would be wonderful was. As the game came to an end it was time for the son to leave, but the dad had enjoyed the time he had with his son and realized the day he thought would be full of sadness, wasn't, it was also joyful. He felt that it was a gift and these types of  gifts are ones that cannot be planned, a gift that was meant to appear and disappear, just as his son drove off that afternoon to experience a new chapter in his life.

Response: I understand the position the father was in when his son leaves and how he feels because he will miss him. Not too long ago one of my cousins that I was extremely close with left to join the National Guard and it was a hard experience letting him go so it is completely understandable as to why it was hard for him to see his son go. Although, he would miss his son he let him go to see the world and gain experiences and that's exactly what we did with my cousin. Missing someone and letting them go isn't an easy thing to do, but knowing that you will see them again is what's comforting about the whole situation.