Sunday, May 3, 2015

Blog Post #7:

Summary:  In "Working Mothers" a student talks about how families are becoming more untraditional in the home in the way of having both parents in the work force instead of only one. Some people may argue that it would be difficult for a working mother to spend as much time with their children than it would be for a nonworking mother; this student argues that even though stay at home mothers are more likely to spend more time with their children than working mothers do both types of mothers have the same goal for their families: that their children will be taken care of and provided with everything that they might need. The student gave an example of how he/she's mother balanced having a full time job and also making time to spend with her children; the mother would wake up early to have breakfast with her family and would always be home to make dinner and help with homework after school to ensure that she would get to spend quality time with her children. To conclude this essay the student stated, "I know some stay at home mom's even though they have their children all day half the time they put their kids in front of the tv for hours at a time. That ain't quality time. So if the argument is mothers spending time with their children I think working mothers and stay at home mothers contribute the same amount of quality time with their children."

Response:  Most families are/have evolved from the past and are becoming more untraditional in homes with having both parents working and I don't feel like that's always a bad thing like some people might. I somewhat agree with what this student is saying because not all stay at home mothers spend quality time with their children nor do working mothers: some mothers just drop their children off with babysitters or family members and just don't care but there are some mothers who actually do care. Whether a mother is a stay at home mother or a working mother shouldn't define in other peoples eyes how much time or how much less time is being spent with the child; the importance of family to the mother is what decides in my opinion. I would like to believe that no matter what, in either type of mothers mind should be the want and need for their children to be provided with everything that they need because that is what's most important for the child whether they work nor not.

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